【提要】 郑万耕先生长期从事中国哲学,特别是易学哲学的研究,成果丰硕,建树良多。他继承和弘扬易学优良传统,尤其是大力发扬朱伯崑先生的易学思想,阐发朱伯崑先生所强调的易学哲学,并有多方面的独立创获。郑先生的系列工作始终贯穿着“正本清源”的原则,体现出“钩深致远”的胸怀。他也一直旗帜鲜明地反对打着易学旗号搞各种迷信活动;更通过培养易学后备人才,撰写易学教材,编辑易学刊物,组织高端学术论坛,在当代易学研究中发挥了中流砥柱的作用。他具体的易学贡献则体现了“为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平”的胸怀,除了撰著《太玄校释》,进而推进杨雄思想研究以外,还涉及通行本《周易》的研究中诸多聚讼不已的难题,以及出土文献中的相关疑问;并对诸多历史问题和现实挑战做了回应,意义重大。
【Abstract 】Prof. Zheng Wangeng has been engaged in the study of Chinese philosophy, especially the philosophy of I Ching-ology, with fruitful works and many achievements. He inherited and promoted the fine tradition of I Chinglearning, especially vigorously promoted Prof. Zhu Bokun's I Ching thought, expounded the philosophy of I Ching learning which emphasized by Prof. Zhu, and had many independent achievements. Prof. Zheng's series of work have always run through the principle of "correcting the roots and clearing the source", embod I Ching the mindset of "going deep and far-reaching". He has always been a clear-cut objection to the use of I Ching to engage in various superstitious activities. By cultivating reserve talents for I Ching learning, writing I Ching learning textbooks, editing I Ching learning publications, and organizing advanced academic forums, he has played a main role in contemporary I Ching research. His specific contribution to the study of the I Chingembodies the mindset of "continuing the sacred learning for the past and opening up peace for all generations", with concerning the problems of intensive litigation and related questions in the unearthed documents; the response to many historical issues and practical challenges is of great significance.
【Keywords 】Contemporary I Chinglearning; Philosophy; Zheng Wangeng; Zhu Bokun;